Saturday, January 11, 2014

What You Need To Know About How To Get Rid Of The Flu Fast

By Tosh Caliberni

Oh, no, you'd got the flu and that truly is a drag. We'll resist the temptation to tell you all the things you could have done to avoid it and just jump right into finding a solution. When you're down under it, knowing how to get rid of the flu fast can be a real bonus. So here's our tips.

Naturally (so to speak) many people's thoughts upon coming down with the flu turn to the pharmaceutical options. There are various over the counter options and of course you can get a prescription for your M.D. I'm no physician and would never dream of trying to waylay you in such an approach. If that's your choice it is probably a good idea to go all in and be a good compliant patient.

On the flu, particularly, though, I will just offer this one morsel of food thought for your consideration. Apparently, in recent years, medical anthropologists have been increasingly leaning toward an explanation for the terrible death toll of the 1918 flu pandemic that lays a good deal of the fault at the feet of the medical profession. It appears now that the virulence of the 1918 strain was dangerously aggravated by physicians prescribing mega-doses of aspirin. The extremely high dosages of aspirin would have caused patients' stomachs to bleed. This allowed the flu infection to penetrate their blood, leading to rapid death.

The point isn't to demonize the medical profession. And no doubt such M.D.s were doing the best they could with the information and training that they had. Still, it is worthwhile to remember that using potent pharmaceuticals always presents some level of risk: even very small mistakes can have devastating consequences. And, there are some pretty effective, drugless alternatives.

If some of these suggestions sound a bit on the down-home side, don't be put off. Just because your mother or grandmother gave you the same advice doesn't mean it's not good advice. They did know a thing or two. First on the list, cheesy as it sounds, is the solid advice to get lots of sleep and drink plenty of liquids. Water is top of the list for best fluids to drink. Another important measure, not widely enough shared as it should be, is the need to keep clean. Warm showers are great both for providing symptom relief, such as soothing your aching muscles and clearing up bronchial passageways, but also for the benefit of reducing contagion. If you get everyone else in the house sick, who's going to make your chicken soup?

A few words on fever are required. Fevers are not fun and often the temptation is to take measures to eliminate a fever. However, unless it reaches 103 degrees, this is a very bad idea. Your fever is your body's immune system doing battle with the flu -- why would you want to unilaterally disarm it? We humans didn't get to where we are today without evolving some pretty effective virus fighting biochemistry. Let your immune system do the job for which it has evolved!

A great deal of relief can be had through breathing the essence of essential oils. Start by filling up a sink with steaming hot water. You add an ingredient to the water, then place around your head a towel to capture the full effect of the ingredient's essences. Breathe in deeply and let it sooth and clear out your bronchial passages. Three particular ingredients that are highly recommended for this are a couple teaspoons of freshly chopped ginger, eucalyptus or menthol. As you will want to know which of them works best for you, it might be smart to use each individually, noting their effects. Though, if you feel totally overwhelmed, and need a rapid solution, perhaps combining all three might provide a power kick to get you over it.

And don't forget the great benefits of vitamins : both A and C is recommended for fighting flu. Micellized A is best and C will be most effective and powerful if food sourced. If though ascorbic acid is all you have, much better than nothing -- go for it. Vitamin D3 is great, too. Though flu season doesn't always lend itself to it, getting your D from sunlight exposure is considered best.

And last but not least, another down home remedy, but a great one, is to drink warm liquids. They provide plenty of welcomed soothing of flu related discomfort. Tea will be a good choice, with Green tea especially recommended for speeding the passing of flu.

That should get you started. We understand that when you want to know how to get rid of the flu fast, you need quick and effective relief. These ideas should go a long way in getting you that relief.

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